From the President’s desk

29 August  2018

Senior Volunteer of the year

Congratulations to Peter Smith on his award as Senior Volunteer of the year and the overall volunteer of the year for the Mid-western region of Sydney. Thanks go to Rod and Gulian for support of the nomination. As a Club, we have always been aware of his participation in community events, and the Graffiti Removal project would not be the success it is without the efforts of Peter. At our last Board Meeting of the Directors on Tuesday, 21 August, it was agreed the Club will increase our drought relief assistance, to be in total $1,500.

Police Officer of the year

Planning for Police Officer of the year is progressing, the date 19 September, 2019, at the Carnarvon Golf Club in Lidcombe. The selection of a venue this year has added another layer of administration to the event. My thanks and that of the whole Club, to the team of Usha, Rod and Allan, taking on the data, going to the venues, enduring endless discussions. Thankfully, this matter is now closed. This is just for the selection of the venue, not the nominations and the evening itself. More work ahead. It will be a great night and all Club members will have a task.

Strathfield Spring Fair

The traditional Strathfield Spring Fair and BBQ is set for 01 September, 2018, to aid the Catherine Sullivan Centre. Pleasing to have Andrew, an experienced BBQ manager, working with Thaya. There always remains a possibility of an innovation to the sausage , onions and bun, with sauce?

Matters electronic

I have taken on the Club Facebook Administration, (I really mean Olga).  On Sunday evening, Past President Raymond, while on leave, handed over the authority, from the middle of nowhere. Another challenge for the President, I think it could be interesting for all concerned. The Website has to be updated, while there is current information and photos on the site, there remains a lot of old material to be edited and some removed. The Board is addressing the web management, but help is required. Please let me know if you can assist.


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Last Update Friday August 31, 2018