President’s Report

23 August 2017

Last Week’s Speaker
Well, what an interesting and inspiring talk from Nora Duane, member of the Rotary Club of Drummoyne, last week.  She has really thrown herself into serving humanity through Rotary, after being a member for less than 18-months to-date.  She spoke of her polio eradication expedition with a working party in India recently, and how that has really opened her eyes to the important work of Rotary in doing good in the world, and truly making a difference.  The message is… you really can change the world through Rotary membership; all you have to do is get involved.  Great story and great message for us all.
Weekly Meeting Format
Last Wednesday evening I verbally reported on some decisions the Board had made regarding our weekly meetings, as we reviewed format and content, with a view to modernise.  In summary, we agreed the following:
We will remain meeting on Wednesday evenings
We will remain at Strathfield Golf Club
We will retain the Toast to Rotary at the beginning of meetings
We will retain the National Anthem at the end of meetings
We will retain the Fines Session, although revert back to the Roster System, where everyone in the Club has a turn (or two) during the year
We will retain the Raffle
So… not a lot of change really!  And that’s fine; at least we had a discussion about it and confirmed what we are currently doing, we believe is good.  The move to a 7:00pm start seems to have received universal support, which is also great.
The one thing that has changed (and will continue) is that I will commence the business of the meeting midway through dinner, to buy back some time and help to ensure we finish on time.
We also formally endorsed our support for the Catherine Sullivan Centre’s (CSC) fundraising initiative for their phonetic-based literacy program.  This will be largely achieved via a Gala Ball to held on 6 April 2018 at Le Montage Function Centre, run by the CSC.  We will assist with selling tickets (making up tables), providing prizes for auctions and raffles, and other fundraising efforts on the night.
President’s Meeting
You also heard both Paolo and myself mention that Paolo was heading down to Fairy Meadow (just north of Wollongong) last Friday evening for a District 9675 President’s Meeting, representing me and our Club, as I wasn’t able to attend.  We will hear a brief update from Paolo during his Director’s Update tonight.
Rick’s Run for Rotary
Well… it’s done!  Had a tough run on Sunday morning.  The first 30km was fine, but the last 12km were a bit hard, and I slowed down considerably towards the finish.  Raymond has published a summary of my performance on the Club website if anyone is interested. (Here it is at the end of this section) It was actually my slowest run to-date.  I guess it’s the oldest I’ve ever been running a marathon too!  Anyway, it was all about supporting Australian Rotary Health (ARH) and their funding of Youth Mental Health Research.  We managed to raise $4,700.00 through my supporter page, which is a great effort.  I came in a clear third in the overall fundraising leader board for the event, and would like to personally thank all those Rotarians and their families that supported me and ARH through donating to ARH via my supporter page.  Thank you all very much!  I’m thinking that towards the end of this Rotary year we may bring back to our Club, representatives from ARH for a special presentation of overall funds we will have raised to support them through the year.  There may be other events we participate in that will add to this total; we’ll see.

Tonight’s Speakers
And so it’s finally here!  The long awaited and highly anticipated High Speed Rail (HSR) presentation – Regional Connections – from our very own Paolo Giammarco, who will be accompanied by PP John Elvy, complementing Paolo’s dissertation on the HSR with a discussion about the property market impacts of such an enterprise.  Strap in; it’s going to be a rollercoaster ride tonight!


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Last Update Monday August 28, 2017