Club Assembly  held on Wednesday 3rd July

The Directors outlined the year ahead as they envisaged it. It was decided that, to increase our membership, we need more publicity, perhaps in the local papers. Another suggestion was to invite young managers of the area as guests, or another, to invite potential members to the Pride of Workmanship night in October/November. It was put forward by PDG David Croft that an ad hoc membership committee for getting new members could be set up and this was considered an excellent idea. It was felt that an accent on the club’s networking structure be accentuated, possibly backed up by leaflets telling what the club is about. Members though we could have a more focused target on the Asian community of Strathfield and surrounds, which is numerous and prosperous. The club members decided that more Job Talks by members would be a sound idea for help along the growth of the club’s members also.

As far as fellowship is concerned, a Yulefest in August was put forward, with perhaps a car rally to a country area, a stay overnight at a country inn and a picnic on the Sunday. This won outstanding approval from most members, as did a ‘Bad Taste’ Night.

Regarding Rotary Information, we discussed the possibility of a 5-minute session about once a month from Harley Tarrant or David Croft, with members additionally being given the pleasant task of researching an aspect of Rotary to share with members at a meeting.

For Fundraising, we are having a major event at La Montage on 21 March 2003. We thought it better to concentrate more on involvement of members in the club rather than financial target-setting, as money is only one way in which we help the community. Let’s have quality events that are fun!

Steve’s Snippets  on the Club Assembly

While the meeting went somewhat late I very much appreciate the contributions of all members to the Club assembly. I think the many issues canvassed were discussed robustly and evenly.

Accordingly the meal cost will remain at $20.00 at least until the next club assembly or unless precipitated by the Bowling Club or caterer, and I will endeavour to end meetings as close as possible to 8.00pm. District dues will increase by $5.00 so there will be an increase in fees this year of that amount. Treasurer Peter Douglas will be giving you invoices this week.

I am particularly encouraged by the willingness to embrace a more representative membership, both in gender, race and age, and the enthusiasm of some members to participate in a dedicated membership committee.

I also note and accept a number of members’ views that we must do more to assist our new members to better understand Rotary, know more about each others’ vocations, and to do what is possible to retain and re-enthuse existing members who, for what ever reason, have chosen not to, or are unable to, attend on a reasonable basis.




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Last Update Thursday August 22, 2002