JIM CONOMOS "Juvenile Crime"

13 November 2002

Jim Conomos, a criminal barrister, with over 47 years experience in law, painted a very grim picture of the world as he sees it, with his talk on "Juvenile Crime".

He explained that there are many young people in our community who are disadvantaged and as a result, revert to crime.

He feels that the general community, politicians and particularly the 'shock jocks' do not have any idea of the sheer volume of crime and the enormous time spent processing it. We should all visit local courts and witness proceedings ourselves to gain a greater understanding.

Most young offenders are uneducated, and do not understand the basics of the system. There are very real considerations and the courts genuinely try to foster rehabilitation. There must be fairness and justice to all.

Juvenile crime is a major problem, and Jim feels that it will only get worse, with drugs being the major cause in the increase. Drugs are debasing the youth of our community, with governments facing huge problems trying to eradicate them.


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