20 November 2002

Our guest speaker was Jo Boyce, a representative of the pharmaceutical company Alphapharm, who provided members with a lively presentation on 'Generic Pharmaceuticals'.

Jo's primary role is to inform the public and provide a greater understanding of the generic industry and the reason why they are fast becoming a big part of the pharmaceutical industry.

When talking about generic, one is talking patent-expired medication, and currently in Australia drugs have a 25-year life or competition-free period.

The original manufacturer has a number of options available to them when the patent period has expired. They can cross-license the product and manufacture it for other companies, while at the same time continue to market the original product. By this process they are able to protect their market share.

The only thing that is different is the box they are packed in.

Another option is to allow other companies to use the formula to manufacture their own product, but this must be performed under government regulation and testing. The product must work in exactly the same way as the original; it is just a different brand of the same drug.

When there is more than one brand of the same medicine, the government will only subsidise up to the lowest price brand. The customer will have to pay any excesses. Thus, if the generic brand is cheaper than the original the customer will have to pay the difference.

Jo emphasised the fact that in Australia all generic pharmaceutical products are the same as the original, because of strict government regulation. They may be a different shape or even a different colour but they will still work just the same as the original.

The average saving per prescription is $2.00. If the Doctor does not specifically prescribe the original product, the choice is always with the customer.

Jo concluded her presentation by answering a wide variety of questions from members


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