Michael Ryan

Rotary Club of Strathfield Guest Speaker on Wednesday 10 July 2002

"Australian Gridiron Football"

Michael has represented Australia in this sport as a player and coach, although he comes from a Rugby Union and Rugby League background. He informed us that Gridiron Football is a growing sport in Australia, being represented in every state. The national team’s name is "The Outback", but there are 80 teams nationwide. The Australian senior team in the World Cup came 5th (there were six competing countries) and Japan won. All Gridiron in Oz is amateur, including coaches. The number of players in Australia is about 4,000. The sport evolved from Union in 1875 and Michael tells us that it is such a dangerous sport that the huge, typifying ‘armour’ that the players wear is absolutely necessary and was introduced into the Australian game in 1984. As Gridiron is a summer game, it is not just yet posing a threat to entrenched football codes, nor is it intended to, according to Michael. "We are just trying to provide an alternative for Australian youngsters," he suggested.



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