President Kevin and his wife Rotarian Suzanne Freund

President Kevin Freund and his wife Suzanne

Rotary Club of Strathfield

Kev's Conveyances

Wednesday 8July 2009

The pace to the new Rotary year is starting to quicken, with all of your Directors active in their roles. They are all looking forward to presenting their reports at the Club Assembly next week, and I encourage all members to attend and contribute their ideas. The club can only be stronger if we all participate.

Last week’s guest speaker Frank Portelli, brought to our attention the responsibilities we as Rotarians must consider in the area of Child Protection and Sexual Harassment, and be aware of at all times.

On Saturday evening our club was well represented at the District Changeover, when the chains of office were passed from PDG (P1) Paul Erickson to DG (P2) Paul Reid. It was a most enjoyable evening, with the opportunity to enjoy good fellowship with many members from throughout the district.

On Saturday and Sunday, Connie Galletta, Brad, Cheryl & Madeline Ayres, Sal Tosto, Angelo Franco, Ian Johnson, Peter Smith, Niall King & myself had a great time sharing barbeque duties during the 24 hour Mega Swim, to help raise funds for the MS “Go for Gold Project”. Once again it was a good opportunity to share with members from the Breakfast Point, Concord and Sydney Rotary Clubs and involve ourselves with a fast growing community fundraising project.

In conclusion I would like to remind members that our half-yearly membership fees are now due and payable, Treasurer Keith Stockall will be issuing invoices next week.

President Kevin

