President Kevin and his wife Rotarian Suzanne Freund

President Kevin Freund and his wife Suzanne

Rotary Club of Strathfield

Kev's Conveyances

Wednesday  11 November 2009

We are certainly heading into a busy period, with a variety of events happening over the next few weeks. It is a time that highlights the commitment of members to the motto of Rotary, “Service above Self” and it is great to see a number of members always willing to actively participate in these events. It is also a time for every member to consider becoming more active by nominating for a role on the club board and provide your skills, ideas and energy in a productive manner. I encourage all members to think about what roles they can best serve the club and take the opportunity at the AGM to provide leadership and guidance during the next few years, remembering that the future of our club and Rotary is in your hands.

Last Saturday The Infants’ Home at Ashfield provided a sausage sizzle at Bunnings and Peter Smith, Keith Stockall, Steve Taylor, Niall King, Bert Houston, Suzanne and myself provided our time and labour on the barbecue throughout an enjoyable day of fellowship that enabled the home to raise some much needed funds. We at Strathfield can all feel proud of the high level of esteem that we are held in the community from such activity.

Ray Wilson and Niall King deserve high praise for the time and effort they have committed to provide for a great day for all the participating clubs in The District 9690 Golf Championship, competing for the John Taylor Memorial Shield, on Tuesday. I heard a whisper that Tiger Woods was disappointed he had a prior engagement in dreary Melbourne and was unable to attend.

Tonight we welcome Erin Hodder, MS Ambassador, who will discuss her experiences with people diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis


President Kevin
