President Kevin and his wife Rotarian Suzanne Freund

President Kevin Freund and his wife Suzanne

Rotary Club of Strathfield

Kev's Conveyances

Wednesday  20 January 2010

Welcome to a new year in a new decade. I hope you are all refreshed, invigorated and inspired for the year ahead.

We were all saddened by the news of the passing of Fred Haddon on December 29th, from pneumonia, and our thoughts are with his children, Avril and Paul. Fred joined our Club in May 1984, and was always active in community service particularly with his work with The School for Seniors in Strathfield, where he will deeply missed.

Our thoughts are also with Penny and Grahame True, after the passing of Penny’s sister Merrilyn Coleman, on New Year’s Day, as a result of a long battle with cancer.

A lot has happened since our last bulletin, including two enjoyable Christmas parties and I would particularly like to thank Connie Galletta for her wonderful work in organising the children’s party, where 44 children were entertained, along with over 40 adults.

Once again we had favourable conditions for The Carols in Strathfield Park, where we had a great number of Rotarians and partners, together with members from Strathfield Girl Guides providing their time and effort on the barbeque, selling glow sticks, raffle tickets and programs. I would like to thank everybody who attended and particularly Peter Smith who spent many hours organising the event with Strathfield Council.

This year our raffle proceeds from the Carols will be donated to The Girl Guides, to assist with restoration works on their Hall in Ismay Street, Homebush. I would like to thank Peter Manenti, Doug Potter and George Helou for their wonderful generosity in providing the prizes and making the recipients extremely happy.

Our club sponsored 4 young adults to the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards last week and we look forward to their presentation on their experience in the near future.

A reminder that the 9th Annual Trish MS Foundation Golf Day will be held on Thursday 18th February, and I encourage all members to support Niall King, Ray Wilson and Les Hockley and make this worthy fundraising event a great success.

May the year ahead be filled with many special moments.


President Kevin
