Rotary Club of Strathfield

President Peter Smith's Column

Wednesday 4 August 2010

The President's Column

Last weeks guest speaker: Our guest speaker, John Williams, spoke eloquently of his President PeterSmith with guest speaker John Williamslife experiences commencing with a difficult and dysfunctional early family life in war time England - then his emigration to Australia in 1947 as a Barnardos boy - and cumulating in a successful real estate/property business – and a happy family life. John, who has been a member of Liverpool Rotary for 22 years, is a past president and a PHF. He has given over 50 year’s community service through Rotary, Lions and Apex – not bad for a pom!

We were pleased also to welcome Chris Virgona and Naveed Chaudhry as visitors on the night – both potential Rotarians!

Theatre party: 20th Century Fox, in recognition of the Rotary’s Polio Plus Challenge have made available 200 free tickets to a special screening of Matching Jack on Sunday 15th August at 10.30am at Cinema 7, Event Cinemas 505-525 George Street Sydney. The film features Jacinda Barrett, James Nesbit & Richard Roxburgh – and is not for general release until August 19. I will have 20 of the 200 tickets available for distribution on 4 August – for use by Rotarians, family and friends. The remaining 180 tickets are being distributed by Keith Roffey to other clubs in the district – so it will be a predominately Rotarian audience. The big drawback is the early start (10.30am!) However, it does provide a great opportunity for us to then adjourn to Chinatown for some fellowship and Yum Cha!

District golf day: It is a little way off yet but please put Tuesday October 26 in your diary. Ray Wilson and Niall King put a lot of time and effort in ensuring that Strathfield can host this annual event - and it would be great if we could have a strong contingent from our club in attendance. Invitations are being issued to all clubs within District 9690 – and there is already a flyer and nomination form on the District website.

Membership Conference: It is not too late if members would like to attend the “Towards a Stronger Australian Rotary” in Canberra on August 21-22 – registration is only $100 pp. RI President Ray Klinginsmith and RI. Director Stuart Heal will be keynote speakers. Registration can be made on line at:

Our guest speaker this evening is David Martin – who is the Manager at Westpac Strathfield. David is a relatively newcomer to banking and comes from a retail background. With Westpac’s increased emphasis on “community and service” David will be able to give us a great insight in to the changing culture of Australia’s first bank. Please make David welcome (another potential member?)

President Pete


