Grahame True with Penny

President 2008-9

Rotary Club of Strathfield

 President Electric's Lines

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Last weeks meeting was our club assembly. All the directors gave a brief run down on what has happened and what they propose will happen. Their reports were well received and left little need for question. Thankyou to my board it is great to have a strong team.

On the subject of strong boards I would like to belatedly congratulate Kevin Freund’s elected board. I am sure they will all enjoy the year.

On my request Peter Manenti addressed the club with the proposal of a ‘fun-raiser’ evening on the 9th May and as to its viability. Peter was and is happy to organise the evening but we needed to know if we had the clubs support, enthusiasm and keenness for involvement – we decided it was a goer- thankyou.

I would like to thank Steve Taylor for coming to our aid and printing last week's bulletin (Select Print was still on holidays).

A Christmas festivity I omitted to mention in last weeks bulletin was Cape Cabarita’s Carols evening which Penny and I were invited to attend. The community had a ‘reverse Christmas tree’ with the donated gifts going to the victims of the drought. These gifts were given via our club to Peter Ridley the Salvation Army’s Rural Chaplin North NSW for distribution. Thankyou Steve Taylor and Peter Smith for their involvement in this.

Dinner at the Duxbury’s – fill out the commitment sheet tonight or contact Trevor and Nannette – wonderful to have a Rotarian open their home for fun and celebration , I am looking forward to wooing my Valentine on the 14th!

One Aussie left in the tennis – worth watching.

Remember:  Fun and fellowship in Rotary


President Grahame

