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President's Pieces  

27 August 2003


Good evening fellows and guests.

Last week we were short on numbers due to a number of regular attendees absent due to illness or in some cases travel commitments. However those of us present experienced an enjoyable positive meeting.

Our guest speaker last week, Trish Wetton, CEO of the Forsight Foundation, gave us a detailed description of the operations and activities of her organisation which provides for the housing and care of deaf and blind adults. Past President and former member of this club, Peter Kilkeary, is a Director of The Forsight Foundation. Trish reminded us by way of some practical examples of how fortunate we are to have our sight and hearing.  Trish is a Rotarian and is a member of the Rotary Club of Carlingford.

President Elect Keith Byrne was accompanied at our meeting by Corey, the young man from Bourke who Keith has been hosting while in Sydney for work experience, a program sponsored by the Rotary Club of Silverwater. I met and chatted with Corey and was impressed by the way he conducted himself and truly appreciated the opportunity provided to him by Rotary.

The Golf Club has advised us there are 3 dates over the next few months on which the Golf Club will not be available for our meetings, 10th of September, 19th November and 10th December 2003. As a result we will be required to make alternative arrangements for our meeting location on those dates.

Our scheduled guest speaker for the 10th of September is Jacqueline Booth from the Northcott Society. Therefore the meeting on 10th September will be a transfer meeting to the Northcott Society, located at 2 Grose Street North Parramatta. I will circulate a commitment sheet this week and partners are welcome to attend.

Of those people on the sick list who have shown some improvement are Vicki Whybrow and Adrienne Taylor, Raymond McCluskie is still limping. Euan Watson is still recovering from pneumonia. As I write this piece Euan continues to be a patient in Bankstown Hospital but is showing signs of improvement.

A request for Leave of Absence was received from Brian Hennell and subsequently approved for the period 27 August to 7 October 2003 to allow travel to Poland and France.

I have to advise, that Paul Giammarco’s mother passed away last week and on behalf of the members of the Club I offer condolences to Paul and his family.

A reminder to those members, who have still not paid their dues, they were due on 1 July 2003, to avoid any possible embarrassment please see the treasurer as a matter of priority.

Also, I ask that you all consider opportunities to invite visitors to our meetings who may be potential members.

Have a good week







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Last Update Sunday August 24, 2003