President's Pieces  

9 February 2005


Greetings Fellows,


A brief report this week as Rotary business is well in hand with our Centenary Celebration evening progressing well under the guidance of Ray McCluskie.

Niall King has the Trish Foundation Golf Day on Thursday 17th  Feb. all mapped so if you cannot participate in the golf day please give consideration to attending the dinner that evening, this will be a transfer meeting from the previous night.

Last Friday evening I was unable to attend the Presidents meeting. Following the hailstorm last week I have been going “flat chat” to keep up with the demand from my customers with hail damaged cars.

I have however been in contact with DG Lloyd Roever and we have agreed that money collected for the Tsunami victims relief will best be handled by District, particularly by RAWCS (Rotary Australia World Community Service). DG Lloyd has been in consultation with other DG’s and this seems to be the general feeling. This is also the only way that we can guarantee you that every cent collected will be used in the most needed areas. I will report further when we have more information from Friday night’s meeting.

Steve Taylor reported last week on the progress of “Bike the Park”. I have also received copies of emails via Rod McDougall re the event. Steve and the team of experts have already done wonders and there is more to come.

This will be a huge event and I will be looking for every Club member to participate in the running of the event in some way. I will keep you informed as we progress,

Until then,





President Keith


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Last Update Sunday February 06, 2005