Steve’s Snippets 6 November 2002

Well from a great start of 40 to 42 members attending each week we seem to have gone off the rails the last few weeks with attendance dropping to around 34 on average. Is it the food???? (more on that later). Is it the meeting procedure or something specific, or are we all just busier as we come to the end of the year?? I’m at a loss, but one continuing problem is the continuing lack of apologies being notified to Eric Khu or very late apologies being received. This last week we again had to pay the club $60.00 for people not apologising and not attending.

I need to remind you all that UNLESS you are on leave of absence or you advise Eric of your proposed non attendance for a specific period, you are OBLIGED to either attend, apologise by Lunchtime Tuesday, or be prepared to pay the next week.

In the current circumstances if we reduce our ordering, we could end up with insufficient meals being provided by the caterer and members not being fed as has also happened recently. PLEASE accept Peter Douglas has a very difficult and responsible position and he really doesn’t enjoy having to ask for payment from sometimes "recalcitrant" members.

Also on catering, the club have advised that if we remain unsatisfied with the current caterer we may provide our own caterer subject to some hiring charges which still require some negotiation. Keith Stockall is looking at this prospect and also alternative accommodation choices. These matters will be raised at our AGM and club assembly on Dec 4th.

Tonight we very much welcome the members and partners of Burwood and Concord Rotary Clubs to our joint meeting at Strathfield Golf Club. Tonight's meeting is specifically to hear from the returning GSE team from Germany led by President Duncan Berriman from Springwood. I am sure we can look forward to an excellent presentation and an enjoyable. Due to the combined evening, formalities will be minimised, however George Helou and John Mansour will I’m sure have an excellent raffle, including the well known "Mansour quilt" ( which I still haven’t won).

On better news (and I needed some after last weeks prang and tennis cancellation) and with apologies to Graham True, the Strathfield Rotary cycle team of Keith and Lill Stockall, Euan Watson, Alan Taylor, Rod McDougall Kevin Freund, Rick Collins and myself completed the full distance (90km) of the "Sydney to the Gong" ride on Sydney. Fastest rider was "elastic legs" Stockall, closely followed by Euan, with myself bringing up the rear to make sure everyone finished safely. It was a great day, with big thanks to our driver Shirley and Allan and Kevin providing transport home.

Finally I wish to thank all members present for their attendance and enthusiasm and courtesy for the D.G’s official visit last week. I think we left a very positive impression with John and Susan, and I especially thank Ray Wilson for his generosity of donating the fruit bowl to Susan Wakefield. Enjoy your free meal this week.

Enjoy tonight and the rest of your week, and please I and all board members would welcome comment regarding your preferences regarding change of caterer or meeting location. I  also have concerns regarding the attendance policy please ring me anytime.

Yours in Rotary

Tired but satisfied Steve




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Last Update Friday November 08, 2002