Steve’s Snippets 11 June 2003


Thanks to those members and their partners who braved a cold, wet and windy night last Wednesday to visit the Children’s Hospital at Westmead.

The hospital itself is huge but the environment warm, and caring, with absolutely amazing world class facilities and care. The dinner was excellent and I was amazed that almost nobody left before around 9.15pm. This was an excellent evening of fellowship and seeing our donations used to good effect.

Tonight is our last regular meeting before the changeover as the week of the 18th  (next week) is our thank you night for volunteers and sponsors of the bike ride, and the presentation  to CMRI.

After that CHANGEOVER on Friday the 27th (remember no meeting on the 25th, anyway its state of origin after all !)

Hasn’t the year gone incredibly fast, and what a busy, perhaps too much so, last six months.

As I write this on Monday evening I’m still not sure the Fun Run will go ahead. We received a go ahead from SOPA on a revised course late last week, however we are concerned following a careful check on Sunday that a few areas were not safe. Negotiations with SOPA will continue Tuesday however if we cannot get a safe route agreed we will simply run out of time and CANCEL the event. I’m afraid the compressed timing of the run straight after the bike ride, combined with SOPA’s increased level of bureaucracy has exhausted  the committee, and we will not put on an unsafe event. I know President elect Keith is looking at a revised Fun Run / bike ride timetable for next year. I will try and keep you up to date with the online snippets until Wednesday.

Changeover should be a great night though with a terrific new President taking office, new ideas, new programs and new events. The last board meeting of the year ,with both the “old” and “new” boards present will be held on Tuesday evening at the Golf Club, as neither the Taylor’s or Stockall’s dining rooms can hold that much hot air.

Well as promised my Snippets are getting shorter, and I’m running out of time and projects. Have a great week everyone.






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Last Update Tuesday June 10, 2003