Steve’s Snippets 26 March 2003


I’m not sure how to set the tone for this week’s Snippets.

On the one hand I’ve just attended an excellent District Conference with arguably some of the best speakers and segments as any conference I’ve attended over 25 years: we put on an excellent Sunday lunch BBQ (organised by President Elect Keith, supported by Ray McCluskie, Alan Teale, Alan Taylor, Kevin Freund and George Helou) for the conference attendees which was greatly appreciated, and our photo’s in the conference competition were very well received (thanks to Rod McDougall).

On the other hand I was only able to share this great weekend with Keith Stockall and Janelle Watson (thank you guys, particularly Janelle)

That’s right 3 out of 60, and boy was that noticed and commented on by a NUMBER of other clubs.

Sure it’s possible to blame the cost, the location, the fact that it was not a weekend away, and the lack of promotion by Lower Blue to our club. All reasonably valid points ! But guys, we’ve been through this two years ago with David’s conference, we supported him, and we there when we were needed.

This year DG John needed our support and we were NOT (or not enough of us anyway) there.

This little bitch of mine is not so much directed at the experienced Rotarians in our club (but even these regular attenders were missing), but those Rotarians in our club who are either new to Rotary and don’t yet understand its workings and programs, or those who are perhaps a bit disaffected or a bit jaded by our organisation.

Let me assure you the sight of five sixteen year olds, confidently articulating arguments in the public speaking competition, or a wheelchair bound athlete who hand cycled from Brisbane to Melbourne to raise much needed funds, or the change in confidence and ability or a returned GSE team member quickly brings into perspective the reasons why we are Rotarians and why we SHOULD attend a District Conference. It really does make you feel good sometimes!!

Next years conference will be held at the Central Coast Leagues Club in Gosford on I think March 19th to 21st and will be presented by Holroyd Club, a very professional group of guys and girls who put on a great Golf Day every year.

To put my money where my mouth is, I have (unbelievably stupidly I’m sure) offered to Pres elect Keith to be Conference Chair for our club next year. If you think Euan is persistent, just wait till I start later in the year. !!!!

Anyway, off my soap box, and on to other stuff.

Please remember next week (APRIL 2nd) is a HUGE partners night with an excellent speaker, AND the presentation to our three charities AND the Rotary POLIO ERADICATION PROGRAM, and a big THANK YOU to John Leftwich for his assistance with our fundraiser. Lets make this a great night if we can.

Then, the week afters meeting (also a partners’ night) is NOW TRANSFERRED to MONDAY APRIL 14th at STRATHFIELD GOLF CLUB. The speaker will be Hugh McKay, the highly acknowledged Social researcher. This will be a joint meeting between Strathfield Burwood and Concord, due to the quality of the speaker.

Yes I know it’s a change of NIGHT, and I’m sorry, it couldn’t be helped, they did get the speaker after all, but it is now at our venue.

This will be followed on the Wednesday evening the 16th by our YOUTH PRESENTATION NIGHT, a joint initiative between our club and Council, capably organised by Tony Lanzafame.

Yes, I know it will be another busy week, bur a rewarding one, and besides you have had the week off before haven’t you, so PLEASE ! come along.

Finally, our LAST change of night and location for the year will be the important INAUGURAL TRI CLUB COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARDS for police, ambulance, SES and firefighters.

This will be held on MONDAY APRIL 28th at you guessed it, BURWOOD RSL, because it’s a big night with a LOT of people coming, and it’s a big room which can take it…. OK !!

Our component of the night will be SES and firefighters, and will be organised by Vocational Director Keith Byrn and his team, who so capably organised the Pride of Workmanship awards last year.

Keith deserves our support and attendance for this evening, and I will keep you advised of progress.

On closing I will point out one disappointing aspect of the conference. Last year DG Phil Lacey gave an award for the best club web site, and as most of you are aware Ray McCluskie has done an absolutely BRILLIANT job of maintaining and developing our web site. I can only conclude that the award was not given this year because there just wasn’t any competition to our clubs site.

Congratulations anyway Ray, we know the great job you do, and the time it takes.

Finally, I think Keith Stockall and I were lucky we didn’t cycle last Sunday. I hear we had two punctures and three falls, so watch out for our injured riders Allan Taylor Rod McDougall, and Bill Carney, who had trouble adjusting to HIS new bike (everyone’s trying to keep up with Keith now that he’s become a serious semi professional rider (sort of) !!!.

Have a good week everyone and hang in there please over the next few weeks





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Last Update Monday March 24, 2003